Saturday, June 25, 2011

eXistdb Installation and Configuration

eXistdb Installation with XSL-FO Module for Linux:

Step1: Download eXistdb from this Link Download eXistdb


  1. Install JDK Because eXistdb Developed by Java
  2. Now Install eXist with following command in terminal of Linux machine  "[root@localhost root]# java -jar eXist-setup-1.4.0-rev10440.jar"
  3. If you want to change port Number Just edit Jetty.xml
    1. Go to the following path: /eXist-home/tools/jetty/etc/jetty.xml
    2. Change Port Number in Line 51, as your wish(ex:port=8081)
  4. Enabling XSL-FO Module or PDF Generation
    1. Edit /eXist-home/Conf.xml 
    2. Copy this from optional modules and paste into enabled modules          <module class="org.exist.xquery.modules.xslfo.XSLFOModule"
                          uri="" />
    3. In /eXist-home/extensions/
      1.  Line-21 set as true -> " include.module.xslfo = true "
      2. Change Lines 25 to 27 with the following lines                              ## URLs to use to get Apache FOP and Avalon jar dependencies

        include.module.xslfo.url =
        include.module.xslfo.avalon.api.url = /binaries/
        include.module.xslfo.avalon.impl.url =
    4. Edit /eXist-home/extensions/modules/build.xml following lines
      1. Change Line-62 with these following Line                         <available file="${top.dir}/${lib.user}/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar"/>
      2. For downloading xsl-fo jar files change into and also change fop-1.0/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.3.1.jar into fop-1.0/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar copy the following lines and replace in your build.xml                                              
        <target name="prepare-libs-xslfo" unless="libs.available.xslfo" if="include.module.xslfo.config">

        <echo message="Load: ${include.module.xslfo}"/>
        <echo message="------------------------------------------------------"/>
        <echo message="Downloading libraries required by the xsl-fo module"/>
        <echo message="------------------------------------------------------"/>

        <!-- Download the Apache FOP Processor from the Apache Web Site-->
        <get src="${include.module.xslfo.url}" dest="" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true" />
        <unzip src="" dest="${top.dir}/${lib.user}">
        <include name="fop-1.0/build/fop.jar"/>
        <include name="fop-1.0/lib/batik-all-1.3.jar"/>
        <include name="fop-1.0/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar"/>
        <mapper type="flatten"/>
        <delete file=""/>
        5.Now build the eXistdb
        1. In Terminal /eXist-home/ start
        2. You see the Build Successful message other wise check the error
        3. At the end of this process you should see the following three jar files in your $EXIST_HOME/lib/extensions folder:
          batik-all-1.7.jar, fop.jar and xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Marvelous wonders-Nature and Man: client side storage in Html5

Marvelous wonders-Nature and Man: client side storage in Html5: "In HTML totally 3 types of storage are available Session Storage
Local Storage
Database Storage
1. Session Storage Session..."

Autostartup applications in linux

How To Autostartup applications in Linux

Run System Preferences

Open the Sessions Preferences window by selecting System → Preferences → Sessions from the menu, or simply run gnome-session-properties from the command line or the Run Application window.

It lists programs that Gnome currently run whenever a session is started.

Add startup program

To add a program to the list, click the Add button

Fill up program details

Fill up details about the program you wish to run.

If you don't know the full path of the program, use the program which at the command line. Here's an example to get the full path for Mozilla Firefox
which firefox



Once you’re done, click the Add button, and you can later see that Firefox is now listed in the Sessions Preferences window as the following;


With that the program should automatically run whenever you login to your Gnome session. To temporarily disable it, just un-check the checkbox of the program, and use the Remove button to completely remove our program from the list.